All about those heartbeats at my feet.. All the goods.. And the bads.. All the anger.. And the worries.. All about them..
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Looking back to 2008
Looking back the past year, we've had Micole as an additional member in the family.. :) my sweetheart... grown bigger... heavier... and naughtier... :) she simply doesn't want me to comb her fur... she'll start struggling and biting the comb once it goes near her... *faint* and she's rather picky when it comes to food... now she's feeding on Cesar with kibbles... current flavour of the month is beef and vegetable :)
As for big girl Schnappi... her best accomplishment this year is her CD title from the last trials... we are extremely proud of her... though it came rather as a surprise... :P nevertheless, I would still consider her "well-trained"... whilst practising the jumps recently... we noticed that she still have this "play streak" in her... Trainer Chris was telling Bb that she's still not showing enuf "respect" for the handler... need to instill these into her more more more... :P we're planning to get some jumps set up ourselves so that we can practise more often... it's something different from the usual rigid obedience training... and we hope she can get some fun out of it and maybe can try out Jumpers in time to come...
Hope the girls will be healthy.. be good.. for the coming year... :)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Next Trial in Feb 15!!
Dunno whether we can make it for Jumpers this time... coz Schnappi still not stable yet~~~ she still runs wild in during the jumps... to her, it seems like more play than work~~ :P
Nevertheless, we shall all do our best~~ hopefully we can all surpass our achievements in the last trials!!!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Doggie woes...
Next thing... i reached home yestereday to find Schnappi gone... her playpen empty with a pile of shit and some vomit stuff... my gosh... i nearly fainted.... then i tried calling BB but couldn't reach him... i started crying like mad and keep re-dialling Bb's number.... then i received a sms from him saying he's driving Schnappi to the vet cuz her face is so swollen that her eyes can't open normally... i was sooo scared.... about an hour or so later, Bb called and said Schnappi is fine liao.. her swell going down a little.. doctor gave her a jab and they are on the way home... i was so happy and relieved to see her home... the swell is still there... and because we induced 2 medications (heartworm pill to eat + applied frontline) to her the day before... hence the doc cant tell what exactly caused the swell.. she looked somewhat like a husky with a pit bull terrier face... can u imagine... :( heart pain...
Because of this, it striked me as how important Schnappi is to me!! she's really a part of my life, my family... i really can't imagine if anything happens to her... so is it for Micole... i worry because she doesn't eat.. that she'll turn skinny... or will not properly develop her whatevers in her pup stage... haizzz.... sooo many worries~~~
Friday, November 21, 2008
Jump.. Jump.. and away...
First lesson was to learn how to make the dog jump straight consecutively... 3 jumps were set up in a straight line... thou it looks simple... but it's not as easy as it seems... the dog must be accustomed to clearing the obstacles... initially Schnappi jump the first 2 then "siam" the 3rd... :P but slowly she started to get the idea of jumping over consecutive jumps...
2nd lesson last week... we continued with the jumps and tried out the tyre and tunnel as well... tunnel was not easy... dog must be confident enuf to dash thru... at one point, Schnappi wanted to u-turn.. and got a little stuck inside.. haha...
It has been fun doing the jumpers... a new experience for us and the dogs as obedience training is more rigid and stressful... esp for the dogs... but it's not an easy task to take on... a lot of stamina is required by the handler... and handler must also be clear of what to do since the dog "take instructions" from him... looking forward for the next training... to see the dogs progress each time with more confidence... :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The girls went grooming...
This was Schnappi's 2nd time to the groomer... and the groomer says Schnappi keeps struggling... hahaha... sounds familiar? Micole used to be like that too... nevertheless she sheds less now after the session, and we are quite satisfied with the job done...
And oh yes... one fine night when i brought Micole down for a walk with Bb and Schnappi... i tried out a little training... previously i always had problem with her walking on my right... and miraculously that nite she walked on my left!! she's beginning to understand SIT and HEEL le... auto-sit still not too reliable... but considering the fact that i very seldom train her... i'm quite surprised and pleased with what she can do... prolly going her to enrol her in the class soon... :)
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Well done, CD Trainers!!
Friday, October 31, 2008
2 more days...
To ALL my fellow classmates and their dogs:
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Counting down to Sunday~~~
Benben was a little stressed out in training yd... didn't see his fired-up run as usual... Ben-pa also a little stretched and was rather "moody" with Ah Ben... keep cool both of u...
Tomorrow shall be our last get-together training prior to this Sunday... ALL THE BEST TO ALL!!!
Monday, October 27, 2008
Introducing Miller~~
Friday, October 24, 2008
The trial date is nearing...
Now we are going to try the toy method... that is using her fav toy... a orange squeaking ball... she loves to play... but sometimes if she's in total play mode, she will go completely out-of-hand... so it's really how we are going to balance this challenging task... hopefully we can see better results with this method... :)
Monday, October 20, 2008
The cutest thing about Micole is...
Friday, October 10, 2008
Micole is 6 months old le...
She's still as active as ever... only bigger and heavier now... must really really start to train her le... Bb oredi making noise and asking about her training liao :P... she now knows the SIT command liao... tho not really reliable ya... and something she sits sticking 1 leg out... very "lian" posture indeed... ;)
So dear Mic, we have to start work liao... make sure u be good and listen to mommy ya... :D
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Last nite's training
In Schnappi's case, we have to work on her "send away" still.. esp with a much further distance for the rest of this month... think we have been training her with a rather short distance... hence she doesn't seems to run far off when send-ed away... Chris was suggesting we put some item + food at the far end so that it's more "suppose-ful" for her to "do the job"... also her left about turn... both the handler and the dog have to practice hard... seems like both of them have a little co-ordination problem when they do the turn... Bb hv to watch his steps and Schnappi has to be more alert and responsive...
All we need is a pass to get the CD title... Bb+Schnappi: JIA YOU!!! Mommy+Micole love and support you!!! **Muack muack**
Micole stinks!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
What's happening to their eyes??
As for Micole, there seems to be a very "persistent wound" on her left eye... it's like a little red scar mark that wouldn't go away... i checked the eye EVERYDAY to make sure that it doesn't get any worse... it does seem much better than previously where the eyelid is "bald" and swollen... and she doesn't scratch it now... hopefully it will become better...
Sunday, October 5, 2008
HOT Sunday!!!
And yes... Chewy (i hope i've spelt it right...) got 4th... and TODAY IS HER BIRTHDAY!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEWY!!! Chewy Ma (aka Lucky Pa's GF aka Tiffany) brought cheese cake and meatballs for the dogs... happy happy~~~ And this noti Schnappi gobbled down her slice in one mouthful and attacked Micole's slice... boo hoo... luckily there was this bit saved from her attack and little Mic could at least taste the cheese cake... Really greedy Schnap!!! there are still 2 meatballs in the fridge for her... she must be real happy to have it for dinner later... :D
Monday, September 29, 2008
Started to do a bit of training for this noti girl... trying to teach her to HEEL and SIT... she's willing to walk with me (thank god!!), but it's difficult to get her walking on my left... she happy happy walk left, happy happy walk right... at least she now seldom walk between my legs though... :P so now must slowly correct her...
Getting her to sit is also a challenge... of cos i dun expect her to know how to auto-sit yet.. now i have to give the choke chain a little tug and pushed her butt before she sits... yet sometimes she surprises me by auto-sitting on my left... haha!! when she does that, i'll clap and praise her lor...
This girl seems not in the mood for training recently... everytime she sees the jumps set up... she turns a bit moody... then Bb has to start playing with her and give her treats to elevate her mood... her "send away" seems much better than previously le...
Now the task is to keep her mood up for training... we'll have to see what happens on the trial day le... hopefully she dun shocks us with her funny behaviour again... :P
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Update on Micole's eye...
Guess it's a right decision to put on the e-collar for her... she can't scratch her eye then and hair is beginning to grow back le... the swell is also going away... i'm feeding her with Seameal as well... kindly contributed by Aunt E... heard it's real good for her coat... :) it was funny initially when she put on the e-collar, she was in fact tamer with it on... hahaha!! now that she's used to it... the terror side comes back again... she would run, play and crash in her play pen like nobody's business.... haizz...
Btw, we'll be bringing them to a chalet next week... first time Micole's staying out... hopefully they'll have fun :)
** p/s: speaking of Aunt E, micole would like to thanx Aunt E for her kind donation of the pink/white little house (which is still in shape :p), and the Seameal which she gave to mummy to feed her, and not to forget the pee-pads... Real THANK YOU to u, Aunt E!!! Micole LOVES u!!! woof woof **
SKC Trial here again!!
Anyway all best to our fellow classmates... 大家一起加油吧!! Hopefully we can do our trainers proud again this time round!!! :D
Friday, September 12, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
5 months le!!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Micole's eye
anyway i took out her little "bungalow" for spring cleaning... and used the pinky little house (courtesy from Auntie E)... she's very excited and keep jumping on it (cos it's cushion type)... she starts to drag it from one corner to the other... hopefully the house can tahan her destructive actions.... hahaha!!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Long Sunday for the girls~~~
anyway her left eye was a little swollen and hair at the corner was a little sparse... so we got worried and sent her to see if anything was wrong... she was given a jab and some medication and some eye drops... hv to monitor to see if she scratches her eye... so far ok... hopefully she'll recover soon...
Schnappi won 1st at the "Longest Sit Stay" game at Pet Movers ydae... hahaha... round of applause for her... coz she actually tahan so long with the pieces of bacon streaks dropped in front of her... it was between her and Lucky... but Lucky succumbed to the temptation first... :) once the game ended, she immediately gobbled down the food... :p so she walked away with 3 packs of dog biscuits and 2 packs of bacon streaks... slurp slurp!!
then we go on to the vet's... there she saw a cat... u know lar... cats is another of her biggest temptations... but she was not allowed to play... so she started whinning and looking at BB for permission but was rejected... so she whin whin whin... making all in the clinic to laugh... she was really tested to the limit with a span of few hours... first the bacon streaks then the cat... :)
home we went after the vet and schnappi was given her long-awaited shower... believe me she's really stinko... both girls were really tired and fell asleep after they're back to their play pens... :)
Monday, September 1, 2008
Some new Pics of Micole...
Anyway, Bernard suggested that we can start to train her with some simple commands, like sit, down... using food to motivate her~~ she sama sama like Schnappi... food-motivated!!! :) maybe will start trying out this week... she likes the dog treat version of 旺旺小馒头 :) ... yum yum!!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Happy Dog or Obedient Dog?
Anyway, the trials was over last weekend and sad to say, Schnappi didn't do well :( we didnt pin any hopes on the open but was a little disappointed as she flung the intermediate as well... and yes, flung by 1 tiny mistake... the last SIT in the distance control... if she did the last SIT, we could hv been 2nd!! hahahaa!! oh well, no point crying over spilled milk...
The worst mistakes came in the open... minus the send away which we know she's likely to fail... there were 4 areas where she really surprised us...
- Stand for examination
- Retrieve over high jump
- Scent discrimination
- Down stay
She had no problems with these exercises during the daily trainings... but that day she suddenly went "extremely high" and things started to go dis-array... Bb was stunned with the first 3 where she's gone all wrong... but the last straw came when he came back thru the door and found his dog missing from the ring after the down stay exercise... Apparently Schnappi was sniffing around and rolling left right and playing with herself (well i hope it's only herself lor.. it's the 7th month afterall :p), then started creeping over to the GSD... so at this point the judge has to ask someone to "escort" her out... it was a rather comical and entertaining scene for those present... but i hv to admit the dark cloud over Bb's head was rather scary too... :P
This is honestly the first time i see Bb so disappointed with Schnappi... and the first time too i see Schnappi performing so weirdly... On top of that, the judge said to Bb, " It's not easy to have a happy dog when u trained up to this level..." Hummm, hearing this, Bb dunno whether to laugh or cry... So now he's trying to find ways how to make Schanppi more reliable and how to further strengthen the bond between them...
Will all these make her a more obedient dog? Will becoming a more obedient dog make her less happy??
let me recall if anything interesting happen the last 2 weeks...
(2) Schnappi had some LS syndrome... prolly due to the garlic pills we fed her... we stopped the pills and she appears to hv gotten better... or perhaps she was too stressed with training?? :P despite her LS, she's still active and eats well... now she's back to norm le :)
(3) hmm... really nothing else le... besides me sick, life's as normal :)
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Micole is fearless??
She really 不怕死 lor... the way she plays with Schnappi... Schnappi is much bigger than her and quite rough when she's in play mode (she dun mean any harm though). Yet micole, the little tyrant, stands up to the challenge and still wants to play even when Schnappi steps over her... haizz... so when these 2 girls turn on their play mode, we have to keep a close watch to prevent any unnecessary injuries...
but all these being said, hopefully this "fearless-ness" will also make her more strong-willed to take up future trainings... it might even end up she's more strong-willed than me when training starts... hahaha!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Micole weighs 1.8kg le~~~
She puked a little before dinner but was up and about the next second, as if nothing happened... she really knows how to self-entertain... running round her playpen, playing with her toys and clearing obstacles... hahaha... perhaps she's gifted to do Agility :) it was amazing to see how actively she runs and dodges, and even "reverse gear" :P
In a couple of months, we'll be starting her basic obedience class... hopefully it's not that tough to train her... walking her now is not much of a prob... only she keeps walking on my right or in between my legs... it's a good start anyway... at least i dun hv to drag and tug her leash... i'm sure we will be able to do it!! muz challenge Bb and 贝贝... heee
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Afternoon at East Coast Park
Monday, July 28, 2008
Schnappi.... my big girl
Recently as i watched big girl train, i'm very impressed at how training has made her a better dog and companion.
From a pup that knows nothing to the achievements she made so far, it really touched me to see the chemistry between the dad and daughter... how well they work together to accomplish every task or tackle every new thing learned.
Big girl started learning "heel-in-motion" and "send away" about 2 weeks ago, and i see that the pair is a step closer to the Open category for the trials. Anyway, Bb has decided to enter big girl in Open this time as an exposure and hopefully she can make it thru and enjoy the trial day as she usually does (then lie flat the next day... haha!!). We promised to bring her out to some pet cafes after the trial as a form of reward and encouragement...
Mind Games That Dogs Play With Humans
After your humans give you a bath, DON'T LET THEM TOWEL DRY YOU! Instead, run to their bed, jump up and dry yourself off on the sheets. This is especially good if it's right before your humans' bedtime.
Act like a convicted criminal. When the humans come home, put your ears back, tail between your legs, chin down, and act as if you have done something really bad. Then, watch as the humans frantically search the house for the damage they think you have caused. (Note: This only works when you have done absolutely nothing wrong.)
Let the humans teach you a brand new trick. Learn it perfectly. When the humans try to demonstrate it to someone else, stare blankly back at the humans. Pretend you have no idea what they're talking about.
Make your humans be patient. When you go outside to go 'pee', sniff around the entire yard as your humans wait. Act as if the spot you choose to go pee will ultimately decide the fate of the earth.
Draw attention to the human. When out for a walk, always pick the busiest, most visible spot to go 'poo'. Take your time and make sure everyone watches. This works particularly well if your humans have forgotten to bring a plastic bag.
When out for a walk, alternate between choking and coughing every time a strange human walks by.
Make your own rules. Don't always bring back the stick when playing fetch with the humans. Make them go and chase it once in a while.
Hide from your humans. When your humans come home, don't greet them at the door. Instead, hide from them, and make them think something terrible has happened to you. (Don't reappear until one of your human is panic-stricken and close to tears).
When your human calls you to come back in, always take your time. Walk as slowly as possible back to the door.
Wake up twenty minutes before the alarm clock is set to go off and make the humans take you out for your morning pee. As soon as you get back inside, fall asleep. (Humans can rarely fall back asleep after going outside, so this will drive them nuts!)
Micole's Diary Part 4: 3 cheers for MuMmY!!
Ahem, as u know lar, me not so easy to handle one lor... refer to my diary part 1 and u'll know... hehe.. i would say mummy's 1st attempt not too bad lar (p/s: she's pointing a gun at me now so i've not choice but to say she's not bad :P)... at least she knows that she needs to put shampoo and rinse me clean clean... haha!!
After the "water ceremony", came the drying part... mummy took out her weapon -- the hair dryer, and started to get me dry... then jie-jie started to bark... jealous :P... An hour later, i smell nice nice and started to run around... I would say this was a rather personal experience with mummy and i'm looking forward to the next... (p/s: the gun is still pointing at me :P)
Monday, July 21, 2008
Micole's Diary Part 3: The 2 Sisters
Micole's Diary Part 2: First visit to CD Trainers
Sunday morning at CD Trainers ~ Training Time!!
Featuring Bb & Schnappi... Lucky Pa & Lucky... "Stressful" Belle Ma & Belle... Ben Ben... and the Man-In-Yellow... Bernard the Trainer!! :D