Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Was sick lately.. so seldom update the blog... :(
let me recall if anything interesting happen the last 2 weeks...

(1) Micole went for grooming and had puppy clip... short but cute and tidy... :) this noti ger wee-ed on herself after showered :P... ended up hv to re-shower... so we spent a good 5-hours waiting for her... and as usual she gave the groomer a hard time... *pai sei pai sei*

(2) Schnappi had some LS syndrome... prolly due to the garlic pills we fed her... we stopped the pills and she appears to hv gotten better... or perhaps she was too stressed with training?? :P despite her LS, she's still active and eats well... now she's back to norm le :)

(3) hmm... really nothing else le... besides me sick, life's as normal :)