Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The girls went grooming...

Brought them for grooming last Sunday... finally made up my mind to shave off Micole's face... poodle-cut her face... her stains are getting bad... but then again... common woes of a maltese... was quite worried she's going to like weird... surprisingly she turns out rather cute... a maltese with a poodle's face... Aunt E says she looks like Benben and Micole's offspring... :P someone recommended Angel's eyes for her to take as supplement... said to control her tear stains... we're intending to ship some in for her to try... oh yes, and a new playpen as well...

This was Schnappi's 2nd time to the groomer... and the groomer says Schnappi keeps struggling... hahaha... sounds familiar? Micole used to be like that too... nevertheless she sheds less now after the session, and we are quite satisfied with the job done...

And oh yes... one fine night when i brought Micole down for a walk with Bb and Schnappi... i tried out a little training... previously i always had problem with her walking on my right... and miraculously that nite she walked on my left!! she's beginning to understand SIT and HEEL le... auto-sit still not too reliable... but considering the fact that i very seldom train her... i'm quite surprised and pleased with what she can do... prolly going her to enrol her in the class soon... :)