Yes... post #1 for 2010... muahahaha!! pai sey... me damn lazy to blog recently...
And so i dedicate my first 2010 blog to my dearest Schnappi... for today is her birthday!!! My big girl has turned 4 this year... oops, i'm beginning to feel tears dwelling up my eyes oredi...
From a young playful pup to a "grown-up" (and still VERY playful), she definitely has created lotsa memories for us... be it bad or good. She's now obedience-trained and has accomplished the several levels in the OB trials - currently missing another pass in the opens for her CDX. It's been very challenging training her, as she really has a "mind of her own"... haha... fortunately though, she has a soft spot for treats and of course using her "work for food" attitude, we have to invest into some training treats... :P
Today she turns 4... we hope she'll stay playful (but must be obedient lar) and healthy. Recently she had some problems with her pee... some crystals i think... but it has gotten better... so we definitely hope she'll stay in good health... btw she's grown fatter... seeing the way she eats, she really might grow sideways further if we dun control her... so snacking = NO NO... Schnappi u heard mummy??
Oh yes, time to say what my birthday gift for her was... ... ... meatballs!! Did i hear "chey~~~"?? Oh well, it's really nothing great... but then i dedicated the first ever meatballs i made in my life to her leh... wahahaha!!
Last but no the least, HAPPY BIRTHDAY BAOBEI... lots of luv and kisses from Daddy, Mummy and Mei Mei....
ps: Mei Mei wants me to tell you... STOP biting her face!! :p
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