Thursday, February 12, 2009

Oh dear~~~

Final group training yesterday... Schnappi is, haizzz... in not good!! Besides her usual Distance Control prob, she had probs with Scent Discrimation and Send Away too.... oh dear dear~~~ Perhaps like Chris said, she is in a "state of denial"... perhaps Bb did too much of correction this week... perhaps she's really under stress... perhaps perhaps perhaps...

And so, the last few days before Sunday, Chris said cut away the correction, and Bb to correct his way of hand signalling... I also told Bb to use more TLC these few days... up to this state, can do means can do le...

Well just do whatever can be done and 听天由命 liao... who knows she might just "see light" and decides to do well... haha!!

p/s: Micole will be supporting all the 哥哥姐姐 from home instead :)... cuz i think she's causing a lot of distraction to the others... paisei everyone... really sorry for that... so everyone 加油!!