Schnappi.. affectionately known as BeiBei.. an extremely food-motivated Siberian Husky.. In constant alertness for any possibility of food or treats.. Will make sure she gets her meals on time thru non-stop pestering.. A little fearful of loud noises.. Thunder scares her.. Landed earth on 3rd Mar 06.. Elder sister of two girls..
Micole.. affectionately known as Mic-Mic.. a playful Maltese.. Described as "fearless" by our trainer.. Loves to provoke the sister yet very submissive to her.. Fast reaction.. Happy tail-wagger.. Landed earth on 10th Apr 08..
Venue: BPP Garden Plaza Date: 28th June 2008 Weather: HOT!!!
Another long day at the trials... not to mention the unbearable heat!! Dear Ms Schnappi took part in the Novice and Intermediate this time round... and gotten 2nd place for both events!!! Well done girl!!! Noticed how excited she is with the win? ^^